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We fight for consumers who are financially or physically injured by unfair or deceptive business practices, breaches of consumer contracts, violations of consumer protection laws, and product defects or undisclosed product risks.


We work with our clients to resolve business disputes including breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, fraud, commercial disparagement, tortious interference with contracts or business relations, shareholder disputes, UCC disputes and warranty claims.


We stand with clients experiencing the devastating physical, emotional and financial impacts related to personal injuries and strive to obtain all compensation to which they are entitled. 

Our Services


Class action lawsuits are an effective tool to protect consumers from unfair and deceptive business practices, breaches of consumer contracts, violations of consumer protection laws, and product defects and undisclosed product risks. Our lawyers work as lead or co-lead counsel in class actions cases throughout the United States. We actively pursue cases that have a substantial potential for enhancing the lives of the class and ensuring that companies follow the law.


Our attorneys represent consumers in cases involving claims of:


  • Deceptive and unfair business practices

  • Privacy laws, including the Federal Wiretap Act and state equivalents

  • Violations of consumer protection laws

  • Breaches of consumer contracts

  • Telemarketing laws, including the Federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act

  • Violations of banking laws and regulations

  • Product defects and undisclosed risk


Our attorneys represent and counsel shareholders and fund managers in securities class and derivative litigation. We couple our experience with industry experts to maximize recovery for plaintiffs in claims involving:


  • Dissemination of false and misleading financial information

  • Approval of corporate mergers and acquisitions against the best interests of shareholders

  • Sale of unregistered securities

  • Fraudulent sales of securities or investment products

  • Violations of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and other federal and state securities laws

  • Pension and 401(K) benefits


Our attorneys use the Sherman Antitrust Act and other federal, state and international laws, to protect the rights of those injured by anticompetitive activities and to keep markets free and competitive. Our attorneys have significant experience in uncovering often hard to detect anticompetitive practices and represent those injured as a result of the following conduct in a range of industries:


  • Bid-rigging

  • Conspiracy

  • Exclusive dealing arrangements

  • Horizontal market allocation

  • Monopolization 

  • Price discrimination

  • Price fixing

  • Restraint of trade

  • Tie-in arrangements

  • Unfair competition

  • Vertical and horizontal arrangements



Commercial+ Business Litigation

In order to effectively represent a client’s interests, it is necessary to have an understanding of both the client's business and the applicable industry practices of that business. Our lawyers take the time to understand both and work to craft a plan to resolve clients' business conflicts. This holistic approach includes weighing the potential costs and benefits of litigation against alternative solutions to develop the most effective strategies and put our clients' business in the best position for a favorable outcome. 


Our firm has successfully handled business disputes in various industries involving:

·       Breach of Contract

·       Breach of Fiduciary Duty

·       Business Torts

·       Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Disputes

·       Warranty Claims


Any time someone is seriously injured, that person's life and the lives of those around them can be changed in an instant. This may be temporary or permanent. The physical and mental obstacles can be devastating. Someone hurt or seriously injured by the negligence or fault of another has the legal right to seek recovery for the injuries they have sustained. Not only are such injuries physically and emotionally traumatic, they can cause significant financial struggles due to the lost income of an injured or deceased family member. Our attorneys work with those impacted by such injuries to minimize the subsequent effects and to hold the responsible party accountable for their losses. Our attorneys have successfully represented clients in a wide variety of personal injury cases, including car accidents, slip and falls, and wrongful deaths. 

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